Chilly Willy


We left the BP on Hwy 300 about 7:45. The reason we had to leave so early is because your staff had a meeting to attend at 10:00. By the time we all arrived in Barnesville at the Garden Patch restaurant there was a total of 14 chapter H members. For the first ride of the year this was a great showing. It was also a little cool. A matter of fact it got even cooler up the road just a few miles. I did get to finally meet Tom and Ann Hoffman from Moultrie. We had been e-mailing each other. I hope they will join us soon. They were really nice folks.

  The food was great as usual. This is the best buffet food that I’ve ever had. I’m going to try to go up for Chapter E’s meeting in Thomaston, just so I can eat there again.  More on that at a later date.  The owner is very nice and closes his restaurant down for our meeting. He really supports GWRRA.

  The crowd was even bigger this year. I think Bill told me 256. The 50/25/25 prize money that was given away was $193.50 twice. That would have been nice to win.

  This is the time of year when district tells us all the stuff going on and gives us all the information we need to hopefully run a better chapter. It’s always great to see old friends. It always seems like it’s been so long since the end of the riding season. Our meetings went great. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Bill Livingston talk so much, but the good thing is that we were out of there by a little after 3:00.  

  Everybody had scattered by then, as it turned out to be a really nice day for riding, but your CD decided he hadn’t visited enough so I stood around and talked till about 3:30 before I had to fill up with gas and get on the road. I stopped at the new gas station at exit 99 a little after 5:00 and it was 66 degrees. It’s a really nice station but I wasn’t crazy about their coffee. I’ll try it again before I go back to the Pilot Gas Station in Cordele.

  Anyway, I left out about 5:30 and by time I got to Warwick, it had dropped to 54. This time of year when the sun starts down, the temperature really drops. I was glad I left when I did. It was a great ride, great eating, great meeting, and great friends.

See you on the road soon. Jeff